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Current WIPs :

  1. Epsitle (have reached out to ABS for a license to use the GNT text.)
  2. 60 Marmithas (7/60 completed) - Marmitha 4 (Psalms 11-14) by default
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To browse available marmithas, click here

Opening Prayer

C: Glory to God in the highest (3 times)

A: Amen (3 times)

C: Peace and hope to people on earth, always and forever.

A: Amen.

Our Father

C: Our Father in heaven
C & A: Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come Holy, holy, holy are you.
Our Father in heaven, Heaven and earth are full of your glory,
Angels and people sing out your glory, Holy, holy, holy are you.

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth, As it is in heaven,
Give us this day the bread we need, And forgive us our debts and sins,
As we have forgiven those, Who offended us.
And do not let us fall into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom, The power and the glory, Forever and ever, Amen.

C:Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
A: From eternity and forever; Amen.

C: Our Father in heaven,
C & A: Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Holy, holy, holy are You.
Our Father in heaven, Heaven and earth are, Full of your glory.
Angels and people Sing out your glory Holy, holy, holy are you.

D: Let us pray. Peace be with us.


C: Lord, you are the refuge of the sinners and comfort to the afflicted. Awaken us from our sloth. Teach us to serve you with attention. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Lord of all, forever.

A: Amen.

Marmitha (Psalms of the Day)

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Onitha d’Mawtwa (Hymn of the Day)

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Night Hymn

Full of mercy, Lord our God,
Look with favour on us,
We who are Your own people.

You know us, Lord our God,
The oppression of our foes;
Pour forth your grace upon us.

Sea of mercy, You, Lord,
Protect us Your children well
From all those who exploit us.

Let the truth be our weapon
And it shall be our fortress
That we may sing Your glory.

Lord Jesus, sow Your peace
In this world of disorder
Through the prayers of Mary.

Remove from this world, Lord,
Armament and enemity
That we bless her with one voice.

Lord Jesus, may Your prophets,
Apostles and Fathers of Church,
Doctors and martyrs for faith.

Pray for us, with one voice
We may sing with all of them,
Praising Your great Majesty.

Our Sliha Mar Thoma
Intercede now for us
With our Lord and God Jesus.

That your children may enjoy
Bliss of your promise
In the Kingdom at your side.

He (She) who gained rich reward for
Working with joy and love
In the vineyard of Lord.

May his (her) supplications bring
To this parish (household)
God’s blessing and his mercy.

Remember not our sins,
We who received Your body
And have drunk from Your chalice.

On that day when You judge,
May Your mercy raise us up
With all those who welcome You.

D: Let us pray. Peace be with us.

Slotha (Prayer)

C: Lord our God, let people of all ages praise and glorify you and the whole creation adore you. For, you are the Lord of all, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever.

A: Amen.

Subaha (Prayer of Praise)


Tesbohta (Hymn of Praise)


Epistle (3rd Reading)

D: Dear brothers and sisters, A reading from




Concluding Prayer

C: Lord of mercy, we thank you for all your help and blessings. Forgive us our sins of omission and commission in thoughts, words, and deeds. Bless us by stretching out your holy hands. For you are the Lord of all, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever.

A: Amen.

Seasons and epistle references by SyroCalendar